
Traveller Rating


  • 6 days trekking with a full pack
  • 5 nights basic huts/camping
  • 5 Dinners
  • 6 Lunches
  • 5 Breakfasts

6 Days$2195AUD

Trip Code: CSG

Trip highlights

  • Walk the internationally famous Overland Track in your own time
  • Summit Tasmania's highest and most iconic peaks, including Mt Ossa and Cradle Mtn
  • Enjoy up-close encounters with native wildlife
  • Spend each evening at scenic camps in the remote wilderness
  • High quality gear and delicious light weight food provided
  • Ferry transfer across Lake St Clair
  • All logistics taken care of so you can relax and enjoy the track

Why Book With Us

  • All logistics taken care of so you can relax and enjoy the track
  • Lightweight tents provided
  • Quality trekking meals included

Want to walk The Overland Track but don't want to travel with a group? The Overland Track Self Guided tour is perfect for walkers who are confident with their outdoor skills and would prefer to take on Tasmania's most iconic walk independently. This full-pack self guided trek through the Tasmanian Wilderness World Heritage Area takes you from the stunning crags of wulinantikala/Cradle Mountain to the rainforest-clad shores of liyawulina/Lake St. Clair. Lightweight tents and quality food will keep your backpacks as light as possible, allowing you to enjoy every step as you discover some of Mother Nature's finest creations including waterfalls, dolerite mountains, lakes, tarns and diverse ecosystems. This itinerary has been designed for walkers who prefer to travel without a group yet still enjoy the convenience of having all the transport, food, equipment and logistics arranged for you. Receive a full briefing in Launceston before your trek begins, including a chance to ask our experienced local guides for their tips on The Overland. Once on the track you are your own leader, with the opportunity to discover and appreciate the World Heritage wilderness in your own time.



We pick you up early this morning in Launceston, from one of our two pick up locations. Our first pick up point is at 7:15am from the Grand Chancellor and our second pick up point is at 7:30am at the Penny Royal. We then drive 2.5 hours to Cradle Valley, Ronny Creek; the official start of the Overland Track. From here your self guided adventure on the Overland Track begins. Spend the morning walking up past lakes and tarns to the top of the Cradle Plateau where you are rewarded with views of Dove Lake and an endless horizon of impressive mountain ranges. After lunch, weather and time permitting, you may opt for a side trip to the craggy summit of wulinantikala/Cradle Mountain before making your way to Waterfall Valley Hut for your first night in the Great Outdoors. Walking Distance: 10Km + side trips | Walking Time: 5 Hours + side trips. *You will need to arrive in Launceston the day before your trip, ensuring that you arrive in time to attend the 4:00pm pre-trip briefing.

Meals:  L,D

After breakfast at your campsite you continue south to Lake Windermere. A leisurely day that offers time for a side trip to Lake Will – named after a coal prospector in the 1800s. There is opportunity to have a relaxing lunch and swim from the sandy shores of Lake Will. Returning to your pack, you head across rolling button grass plains to the beautiful hut and campsites at Lake Windermere. You may like to spend the afternoon kicking back with a hot drink taking in the fabulous views, and perhaps having another refreshing swim. Walking Distance: 8km + side trips | Walking Time: 3 hours + side trips

Meals:  B,L,D

Today is a wild day of moorlands and mountain views. Your morning takes you across Pine Forest Moor offering spectacular views across the Forth River Valley to the heights of Mount Oakleigh and to today’s destination, Pelion Plains, at its base. Descend around Mount Pelion West to a popular lunch spot at Frog Flats. Your afternoon takes you up onto Pelion Plains with marvellous views of fluted Mount Oakleigh and some of the biggest wombats our guides have seen in the park! Walking Distance: Up to 17km | Walking Time: 7 Hours

Meals:  B,L,D

From camp you continue walking south through Myrtle forest, past tufted Pandani trees, then up to the saddle (1113m) between Mount Pelion East and Mount Ossa. This is the perfect place for a well deserved rest. In fine weather climbing Mount Ossa – Tasmania’s highest peak at 1617m – is without a doubt one of the highlights of the Overland Track. With magnificent views in all directions you continue south into Pinestone Valley to Kia Ora Hut, overlooking the grand spires of Cathedral Mountain. Walking Distance: 9km + side trips | Walking Time: 5 hours + side trips

Meals:  B,L,D

Today you walk through towering rainforests of Leatherwood and Sassafrass trees, heading towards three of Tasmania’s largest and most spectacular waterfalls. You can choose to visit any or all of these three waterfalls. There is Dalton Falls and Fergusson Falls, named after a former ranger at Lake St Clair. The third of these enchanting falls is the spectacular Hartnett Falls, named after Paddy Hartnett, an eccentric Irish bushman who was rarely seen without his bowler hat. After the falls, you walk up through Du Cane Gap then descend to the Bert Nichols Hut. Walking Distance: 10km + side trips | Walking Time: 4 hours + side trips

Meals:  B,L,D

Today you pack your backpack for the final day on the track, which takes you through mixed eucalyptus and stands of temperate rainforest to the shore of liyawulina/Lake St Clair, the deepest natural lake in the Southern Hemisphere. As you near Lake St Clair you can gaze up to the peaks of Mt Ida and majestic Mount Olympus. You enjoy a 30 minute ferry trip across the lake, providing spectacular views back upon the mountains you have walked past, and a wonderful conclusion to your Overland Track trek. At the visitor centre you will be met by your Tasmanian Expeditions transfer bus and driver. Congratulations on completing your self-guided Overland adventure! We will drive across the scenic Central Plateau and return to Launceston at approximately 5pm. Our two drop-off points in Launceston are the Grand Chancellor and the Penny Royal. Walking Distance: 9km | Walking Time: 3 hours

Meals:  B,L



The map and elevation chart are for illustrative purposes only and meant to provide general guidelines.
On self guided trips, actual route information provided before departure will be more detailed.


  • Backpack and tent
  • Sleeping bag, inner-sheet and inflatable sleeping mat
  • Fuel stove, fuel, cook-set and eating utensils
  • Lightweight meals
  • 5 breakfast, 6 lunches, 5 dinners
  • Overland Track Permit and National Park Pass (this is valid for 2 months from the nominated start date of your walk and can be used in other National Parks in Tasmania after your trip)
  • Emergency communications (EPIRB)
  • Ferry transfer across Lake St Clair
  • Transfer Launceston to Cradle Mountain, Lake St Clair to Launceston
  • Maps and Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife Service Guidebook (provided at pre trek briefing - 1 set per group booking)

  • Guides and on-trail services
  • Items of a personal nature: alcohol, travel insurance etc
  • Meal complements: snacks and food other than lightweight main meals
  • First Aid Kit
  • Face masks and hand sanitiser
  • Accommodation pre and post trip in Launceston





This trip involves trekking for up to five or seven hours a day, perhaps more depending on your pace. The terrain is rugged and remote. Tracks may be long, rough and steep. Over the trip you will walk along boardwalks, up and down steps, through overgrown forests and through muddy sections. This trek should not be underestimated as it can be tough and challenging. You will need a good level of fitness and must be in good health. You will be carrying a full pack of around 15-20kg and should be prepared for potential variable weather conditions. You will also need to be comfortable with map reading and self guiding. Self guided trips require individuals to use problem solving skills, be adaptable and have a keen eye. It is recommended that you are comfortable in the outdoors, with map reading, referring to route notes and that you have a good sense of direction (or are willing to work on improving this!). Suggested preparation: We recommend one hour of strenuous exercise 4 times per week (this can be cycling, jogging or walking) interspersed with relatively demanding bushwalks carrying a full pack weight (up to 20kgs). At least once a week, you should walk with a weighted day pack (5–7kg) for several hours for leg strengthening and aerobic fitness. The best exercise is multi day bushwalking involving relatively steep ascents and descents and in variable weather conditions.

Departure dates

Daily departures between October and April


High Season
Holiday Season
A high season supplement applies from 1 December to 15 February, and for any trip that overlaps a public holiday.
This trip is not suitable for solo travellers. Please contact our team for alternative tour suggestions.

Priceper person from


Options & Supplements*
    *Prices listed are per person

Essential Information

Ready to book? Make sure you download and read the detailed Overland Track Self Guided Walk trip notes which contains all the essential information you need to know before booking. Once you’ve booked, we will supply you with a Pre-Departure document which contains a detailed gear list and other important information to help you prepare for your adventure ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

The terrain is rugged and remote. Tracks may be rough and steep in sections. Over the trip you will walk along boardwalks, up and down steps, through overgrown forests, through muddy sections and if you choose some of the side trips you will scramble over rocks.

You will need a good level of fitness and must be in good health. You will be carrying a full pack of around 15-20kg and should be prepared for potential variable weather conditions. The terrain is rugged and remote. This trek should not be underestimated as it can be tough and challenging.

Please don't book your flights or make any other travel arrangements until you have been advised that your permits have been secured.

Permits are required to walk the Overland Track and only a limited amount of permits are made available for each day. When you make your booking (either online or by returning a booking form) your booking is tentative until permits are secured. Permits are released on the 1st July for the financial year ahead. If you have made your booking prior to 1 July, we are unable to book your permit until the 1st of July. If your booking is made after 1 July we will secure your permit after processing your booking.

We will be in contact to advise you once your permit has been secured or if permits are unavailable for your chosen date.

Self guided trips require individuals to use problem solving skills, be adaptable and have a keen eye. It is recommended that you are comfortable in the outdoors, with map reading, referring to route notes and that you have a good sense of direction (or are willing to work on improving this!). The trail is marked but with variable weather conditions you need to be adept at route finding and map reading.

For your expedition you will need to carry all equipment in a full trekking backpack that is 75-90litres in capacity. Depending on the quantity of personal gear and toiletries the average pack weight will be approximately 20kg+.

The trip runs between October and April when we have the best chance for warmer temperatures, but you are likely to experience all sorts of weather while in Tasmania. Tasmania is known for it's rapidly changing weather. You will need to be prepared to walk in all weather conditions as winds, steady rain, and even snow in elevated areas, can occur at any time of year.

In Spring (October and November) you will enjoy fewer crowds and the wildflowers are in bloom. Spring marks the return of longer, warmer days while still being cool at night.

In Summer (December to February) you can experience ideal weather conditions. This is the most popular time to walk in Tasmania so you may encounter more people on the trail.

In Autumn you can experience calm, sunny days, and cool crisp nights. You can also witness some of the leaves and trees begin to change colours.

It’s not uncommon to encounter leeches on the Overland Track, particularly in areas with a lot of leaf foliage and tree coverage. Leeches tend to breed in warm moist areas, so can be spotted during the summer months in marshy areas. Leech bites do not hurt, however if they bother you, we suggest bringing a salt solution to remove them from your skin if you come into contact with them.

Tasmania prides itself on clean pure water and most of the water along the track is safe to drink without purifying. Fresh rainwater tanks supplied by Parks and Wildlife can be found at each of the campsites, and you can also fill up your water bottle at many of the springs along the way.

Unfortunately there are no shower facilities on the camping expeditions along the Overland Track. For those who are concerned about washing, the closest you’ll come to a bath are the alpine lakes that are accessible each day, where you can have a quick refreshing dip. However, for a real cleanse we recommend you bring baby wipes (remember to take them out with you as well!).

The day pack that we recommend for the Overland Track should be a small compressible day pack that folds down to as small as your hand if not smaller. This is only to be used when you do side trips, as you will leave your 70-90L backpack at the trail head and return to it after the side trip. It is not mandatory that you have the day pack, but we find that it is convenient to have one. An example of what we suggest for a daypack is the Sea to Summit Ultra-Sil Day Pack

Hiking poles can definitely assist you with going up and down the inclines and for stability in mud or slippery tree roots. If you have not used them previously, we recommend that you do some training with them before you head out on the hike.

We highly recommend that you have high cut hiking boots for this trail. There are lots of slippery tree roots in the rainforest areas, so ankle support will be beneficial. Also, you may encounter mud along the way, so if they are waterproof, you will hopefully have nice dry feet at the end of the day.

Unfortunately there are no charging facilities at any of the huts along the Overland Track. We recommend bringing extra batteries or solar chargers for your phones. To conserve battery power on your mobile devices, turn your phones into flight mode.

As the Overland Track is renowned as being a true wilderness walk, you cannot expect phone reception while on the trail. For trekkers who summit Mount Ossa and Cradle Mountain, there is sometimes sporadic phone reception. However, this cannot be relied upon. You will be provided with an EPIRB to use should any emergencies arise.

Trip reviews

Positive Impact Travel

By joining this trip you are directly supporting positive impact projects in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We’ve offset the carbon emitted by this trip by purchasing credits that support important projects that address the UN’s seventeen SDGs, like reducing poverty, affordable and clean energy, reducing hunger, clean water and climate action.

Proceeds from this adventure purchase carbon credits through the world’s largest and most awarded carbon project developer, South Pole, which are invested into projects accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources in developing countries.

Supported projects are based on internationally recognised standards and are third-party audited. They entail a series of positive impacts on the ground, which benefit local communities and ecosystems, that are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.