Introductory to Moderate

Traveller Rating


  • 5 days walking
  • 5 nights cottage/cabin style accommodation
  • 5 Dinners
  • 6 Lunches
  • 5 Breakfasts

6 Days$3995AUD

Trip Code: TAR

Trip highlights

  • Smoking ceremony at Laraturunawn
  • Full day cruise along maytim/Arthur River
  • Half day cruise along the Pieman River
  • Explore rugged, not easily accessed coast lines
  • Walk through ancient rainforests to some of the largest trees in Tasmania
  • Gain bird's eye views of the takayna/Tarkine region from mountain tops

Tasmania's takayna/Tarkine region in the North West is abundant in history, fascinating flora and fauna, impressive rainforest and dramatic coastlines. It is a 450,000 hectare landmass that contains 6000+ year old stone carvings, a natural history that dates back 100 million years to a time when Tasmania was once part of Gondwana, rainforests that provide sanctuary for at least 60 rare or endangered species and coastal plains that provide important feeding grounds for the world's rarest and fastest parrots - the orange bellied and swift parrots.

Over six days you will journey through this impressive part of Tasmania, exploring rainforests, coast lines and mountains. You will marvel at the sheer height of trees and the impressively clean water rushing down waterfalls. The peace and quiet you will enjoy while walking through ancient forests and along gnarly coastlines will leave you with a real sense of awe and wonder. Enjoy a cruise up maytim (Arthur River), known as one of the last truly 'wild rivers' of Australia bordered by a dense forest filled with myrtles, sassafras, celery-top pine, laurels, blackwoods, and giant tree ferns.

Each day we make the most of the great outdoors, and each evening is spent celebrating and relaxing over a delicious 3-course meal showcasing the finest of Tasmania’s famous produce.



We pick you up early this morning in Launceston, from one of our two pick up locations. Our first pick up point is at 6:15am from the Grand Chancellor and our second pick up point is at 6:30am at the Penny Royal. We will then drive 40 minutes to a favourite local café en route. Here with a hot drink and snack in hand your guides will spread out their maps and give you an overview of the week ahead! Once all your questions are answered it is back on the bus to complete the drive to the West Coast. First stop Laraturunawn/Sundown Point. We have arranged to be met here by a representative from the Tasmanian Aboriginal community who will welcome you to their Country with a smoking ceremony and cultural discussion to start your trip off right. Following our discussion we will walk down Sundown Creek down onto the rugged and gnarley coast line. Here is where you can find ancient rock carvings and spectacular views of the Arthur Heads, continuing up the beach we can get to know each other and talk about the week to come as we walk right up to our accommodation for the next 2 nights at Arthur River. Drive Time: 3.5 hrs. Walk distance: 8km. Walk Time: 2 hrs. Other Activities: Smoking Ceremony/Cultural engagement – 2 hrs. Accommodation: Arthur River.

Meals:  L,D

A cruise on the Arthur River is an unforgettable wilderness experience. Enjoy a relaxing breakfast before heading out on the boat mid morning. This is one of the best cruises in Tasmania taking us on a journey from the river mouth upstream for 15km past the Arthur and Frankland river junctions before continuing on to Warra Landing for lunch. The Arthur River is one of the last truly “wild rivers” of Australia. The area we cruise through is fringed with a very dense forest of myrtles, sassafras, celery-top pine, laurels, blackwoods, and giant tree ferns. This cruise really is an unforgettable experience. At the conclusion of the cruise we have the option to go for another short group beach walk or relax at the accommodation. Drive Time: 30 mins. Walk Time: 1-2 hrs. Other Activities: Cruise – 6 hrs. Accommodation: Arthur River.

Meals:  B,L,D

We will get an early jump on the day with a coffee to go and breakfast on the bus, it will certainly be worth the early morning effort when you see what is in store! Driving south we will arrive at the trailhead to Mt Donaldson, this 4 hour walk will see you traverse dense rainforest, before rising out onto button grass plains allowing you a beautiful view of the ruyinrim/Pieman River and the surrounding forests. This land was one of the last known homes to the Thylacine or the Tasmanian Tiger, known to the Aboriginal people of the region as Corinna. Once we are back from the summit we will enjoy lunch and replenish our snacks at the bus before continuing through the rainforest in the opposite direction. Following the Savage River – keep your eyes out for gold- on a faintly marked track it is unlikely that we will see another soul as we journey through this ancient forest as it leads us directly to the doorstep of our home for the next 2 nights, the Corinna Wilderness Lodge, with just enough time for a shower before dinner. Tonight we enjoy dinner together at the Tannin Restaurant. Here we can enjoy an excellent meal sourced from local Tasmanian ingredients such as Tasmanian leatherwood honey, seafood and meat from local businesses. Drive Time: 2.5 hrs. Walk Distance: 13km. Walk Time: 6 hrs. Other Activities: Nil. Accommodation: Corinna.

Meals:  B,L,D

Departing at sunrise, we journey down the ruyinrim/Pieman River on the Lady Jane– weather permitting - the dark waters of ruyinrim can create mirror-like reflections of the surrounding rainforest. Ancient Huon pines line the banks of river, enjoy the sounds of the forest waking up as you approach the Pieman Heads. We disembark the on the southern edge of the river mouth and spend the next few hours exploring the coastline. Heading south we reach the extraordinary coastal rock formation known as the Conical Rocks. We make our way back to the Pieman Heads for a picnic lunch and jump aboard the Arcadia II, a historic vessel with decking made from Huon pine, for the journey back to Corinna. The remainder of the afternoon will be at leisure. Drive Time: Nil. Walk Distance: 12km. Walk Time: 5 hrs. Other Activities: Cruise: 2.5 hrs. Accommodation: Corinna. *If either vessel is not available, we will be switched to the best alternative vessel.

Meals:  B,L,D

We start our journey with a fun ride across the ruyinrim/Pieman River on the Fatman Barge. This remote western road then takes us through sleepy towns that were once booming with the riches of Early Mining. It is this area of Tasmania that flourished in the early pioneering days. In 1900 Zeehan was the 3rd largest town in Tasmania, however with the decline of the West Coast mining boom the town has dwindled to a population of approx 700. The once bustling main street is now home to the West Coast Heritage Centre, an extensive collection of history that we will take a couple of hours to wander. After lunch we will continue on to Montezuma Falls. At 104m this is Tasmania's tallest waterfall. The return walk to reach the falls follows the historic route of the North East Dundas Tramway. This easily graded walk allows you to look up from your feet and out at the thousands of Tree Ferns that line the trail all the way to the falls. Drive Time: 2 hrs. Walk Distance 8km. Walk Time: 3 hrs. Other Activities: Museum – 2 hrs. Accommodation: Tullah Lakeside Lodge

Meals:  B,L,D

This morning we will depart with the sun for a short drive to our final walk of the week, the highly rewarding Mt Farrell. This return hike starts out in the familiar rainforests with rich stands of Myrtle and lively ferns before climbing out of the forest into the Buttongrass moorland that leads you to the craggy peaks of the ridgeline with arresting views of the Tarkine. Once you are back on the bus get comfortable for a beautiful scenic dive back to Launceston where you will conclude your tour. We usually arrive back into Launceston at around 4-5pm, our two drop-off points in Launceston are the Grand Chancellor and the Penny Royal. We recommend booking a post tour night in Launceston. Drive Time: 2.5 hrs. Walking Distance 9km. Walk Time: 4 hrs. Other Activities: Nil.

Meals:  B,L



The map and elevation chart are for illustrative purposes only and meant to provide general guidelines.


  • Professional walking guides
  • 5 breakfasts, 6 lunches, 5 dinners, snacks and hot drinks
  • 2 nights restaurant meal
  • 5 nights accommodation in cabin/apartment style accommodation with multiple rooms and shared bathrooms
  • Transport by private minibus
  • Smoking Ceremony/Cultural engagement
  • maytim/Arthur River full day cruise (not included on 23 December 2024 departure, discount applies on this date)
  • ruyinrim (Pieman River) half day cruise
  • National Park entry fees
  • Emergency communications and group first-aid kit

  • Travel to and from Launceston
  • Accommodation before or after the trip
  • Items of a personal nature: alcoholic beverages, car parking etc
  • Travel insurance
  • Face masks and hand sanitiser


Introductory to Moderate


This adventure involves trekking from 2 hours, up to 6 hours most days at a steady pace. You will need a good level of fitness and must be in good health. Be prepared for potential variable weather conditions. Suggested preparation: 45 minutes of aerobic type exercise, three to four times a week. Hill walking with a pack in variable weather conditions is also recommended to ensure you are feeling fit and strong enough to gain maximum enjoyment from this trip.

Departure dates


High Season
A high season supplement applies from 1 December to 15 February, and for any trip that overlaps a public holiday.
Please note that the accommodation for the 24/25 season is still to be confirmed.
On the 23 December 2024 departure, the Arthur River Cruise will not be included in the itinerary. A discount applies to the trip cost for this date only.

Priceper person from


Options & Supplements*
  • Single Supplement (limited availability)AUD$600
*Prices listed are per person

Essential Information

Ready to book? Make sure you download and read the detailed Tarkine Explorer trip notes which contains all the essential information you need to know before booking. Once you’ve booked, we will supply you with a Pre-Departure document which contains a detailed gear list and other important information to help you prepare for your adventure ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions

Telstra services work best in this region, followed by Optus, for reception. It can be patchy in Arthur River and Corinna and is then generally more stable in Tullah. Vodafone-powered providers will have limited to no reception for much of the trip except on the last night in Tullah. WIFI is only available in Tullah.

Full bedding and towels for showering are provided at all the accommodations so bringing your own travel towel is optional however not essential. A sleeping bag and pillow are not required.

Yes, all accommodations have power points in your room to charge your devices.

Trip reviews

Positive Impact Travel

By joining this trip you are directly supporting positive impact projects in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

We’ve offset the carbon emitted by this trip by purchasing credits that support important projects that address the UN’s seventeen SDGs, like reducing poverty, affordable and clean energy, reducing hunger, clean water and climate action.

Proceeds from this adventure purchase carbon credits through the world’s largest and most awarded carbon project developer, South Pole, which are invested into projects accelerating the transition to renewable energy sources in developing countries.

Supported projects are based on internationally recognised standards and are third-party audited. They entail a series of positive impacts on the ground, which benefit local communities and ecosystems, that are aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.